Hi Peter,
Maybe your example was simplified just to show the error, but I have a
couple of questions on the application logic that was posted...

o  Why are you performing a transaction begin/commit when you are only
reading data?  If your access is read only with no intent on updates, then a
transaction is overkill.

o  Why are you calling flush before the commit?  A commit invocation has an
implicit flush action, so there is no reason to call flush explicity (in
this case anyway).

o  Is an em.clear() doable for your environment?  This would detach all
entities in the EM's persistence context upon invocation.

o  The openjpa.AutoDetach property probably pre-dates the JPA spec.  Have
you tried running without this property?


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Peter Henderson <
peter.hender...@starjar.com> wrote:

> Thanks for replying.
> The stack trace is within Hessian (server side)
> StandardWrapperValve[AccountsService]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for
> servlet AccountsService threw exception
> java.lang.StackOverflowError
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.util.IdentityIntMap.get(IdentityIntMap.java:114)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.Hessian2Output.addRef(Hessian2Output.java:1314)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.JavaSerializer.writeObject(JavaSerializer.java:141)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.Hessian2Output.writeObject(Hessian2Output.java:490)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.JavaSerializer.writeObject(JavaSerializer.java:153)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.Hessian2Output.writeObject(Hessian2Output.java:490)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.JavaSerializer.writeObject(JavaSerializer.java:153)
>        at
> com.caucho.hessian.io.Hessian2Output.writeObject(Hessian2Output.java:490)
> .
> .
> .
> Which seems to suggest it is recursively walking the object graph never
> reaching the end. (and the object graph is very simple [1])
> This could be related to dates, although I am not sure atm.
> PS
> I am using OpenJPA 1.2.1 on Java 1.6.0_13 on Ubuntu linux 64bit.
> [1]  My entity class
> @Entity
> @Table(name = "accounts")
> @NamedQueries({
>    @NamedQuery(name = "Account.findByParentAccountId",
>        query = "SELECT a FROM Account a WHERE a.parentAccountId =
> :accountId"),
>    @NamedQuery(name = "Account.findRootAccountsByCategoryId",
>        query = "SELECT a FROM Account a WHERE a.accountCategoryId =
> :accountCategoryId AND a.parentAccountId is null AND a.deletedOn is null")
> })
> @EntityListeners(AccountHelper.class)
> public class Account
>        implements Serializable {
>    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
>    @Id
>    @Column(name = "account_id", nullable = false)
>    private Integer accountId;
>    @Column(name = "account_type", nullable = false)
>    private int accountType;
>    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
>    private String name;
>    @Column(name = "full_name", nullable = false)
>    private String fullName;
>    @Column(name = "description")
>    private String description;
>    @Column(name = "manager", nullable = false)
>    private String manager;
>    @Column(name = "tree_depth", nullable = false)
>    private int treeDepth;
>    @Column(name = "balance", nullable = false, precision = 20, scale = 6)
>    private BigDecimal balance;
>    @Column(name = "created_on")
>    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
>    private Date createdOn;
>    @Column(name = "created_by")
>    private String createdBy;
>    @Column(name = "deleted_on")
>    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
>    private Date deletedOn;
>    @Column(name = "deleted_by")
>    private String deletedBy;
>    @Column(name = "parent_account_id")
>    private Integer parentAccountId;
>    @Column(name = "account_category_id")
>    private Integer accountCategoryId;
>    @Column(name = "nominal_code")
>    private String nominalCode;
> ** snip getters/setters hashCode equals toString **
> }
> Rick Curtis wrote:
>> Peter -
>> What kind of problems are you having? An exception or stack trace would be
>> very helpful.
>> -Rick
>> Peter Henderson wrote:
>>> ...
>>> If I don't manually call em.detach() I get lots of problems when hessian
>>> tries to serialize the object for wire transfer.
>>> ...
> --
> Peter Henderson
> Director Starjar Limited.
> Mobile: +44 (0) 778 233 8645
> Email: peter.hender...@starjar.com
> Web: www.starjar.com

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