
what you have done works of course but thats not my problem because thats what i had before i wanted to do the inverse. Your example simply demonstrates how to use ElementJoinColumn and i am pretty aware of that ;-) The problem starts when using mappedBy on the children inside Father.

When i am doing it as you described it in your email before, i am at least not getting any errors back but instead he inserts a "null" in my FK field.

    @JoinColumn(name="team_oid", referencedColumnName="oid")
    public Team team;

I am really clueless. It simply cant be so hard and uncommon to make an inverse OneToMany with a FK field in the child table.

I googled for hours and all example i ve found just dont work.

Marc Logemann

Am 13.11.2009 um 17:17 schrieb Michael Dick:

Hi Marc,

Did some more reading and I was wrong about the use case for the @Element annotations. The @Element annotations allow you to specify the FK constraint on the One side of a @OneToMany, so your annotations would look like this :

public class Father extends Person {
   @ElementJoinColumn(name="father_oid", referencedColumnName="oid")
   Collection<Child> children;
. . .

public class Child extends Person {
   private Father father;
. . .

It appears to be functionally identical to using @JoinColumn and @ForeignKey
on the Child class, but the documentation is a bit sparse on this

There are several examples in our unit tests though. For example
openjpa-persistence-jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/openjpa/ persistence/jdbc/mapping/bidi/ParentWithAutoIdentity.java
looks somewhat similar to your model.

Hope this helps,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Dick <michael.d.d...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: inverse OneToMany relation - getting weird
To: users@openjpa.apache.org

Hi Marc,

I think the @ElementForeignKey and @ElementJoinColumn annotations are
intended to be used with non-entity types (ie PersistentCollections).

If Child is an entity you'd want to use @ForeignKey and @JoinColumn instead
(I gave this a quick try and it looks like it worked for me).


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Marc Logemann <l...@logemann.org> wrote:


after struggling for several hours, i need to ask for help.

Following scenario.....

DB Table: Father
INT oid

DB Table: Childs
INT oid
INT father_oid

Java Entity: Father
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, mappedBy = "father")
private List<Child> childList;

Java Entity: Child
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
@ElementJoinColumn(name="father_oid", referencedColumnName="oid")
protected Father father;

When i try to persist a Father, i am getting:

<openjpa-1.2.0-r422266:683325 fatal user error>
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: Field "Father.childList" declares "Child.father" as its mapped-by field, but this field is not a
direct relation. at......

Ok, then i changed Child to:

Java Entity: Child
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
@Column(name = "father_oid")
protected Father father;

When i now do persist a Father object, both DB records (Father and Childs) are filled with records but the FK column in Child (father_oid) is empty. So the FK relation is broken but it did persist childs, which is somehow weird.

So whatever i do, i never get a fully persisted graph with correct FK

Can anyone give me a hint what i am doing wrong here?

Thanks a lot.

Marc Logemann

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