
thanks for this pretty straight answer. But one more thing that bothers me. Why 
is this only an issue while testing? When my app is running, i am pretty sure 
that i dont use the DP_PLZ_DA class somewhere in the code before the worfklow 
with the query arrives. So why does it work in normal runtime mode?

Marc Logemann

Am 06.09.2010 um 23:26 schrieb Rick Curtis:

>> So why does OpenJPA fail on registering Entities?
> The problem is that when you don't list your entities, OpenJPA doesn't know
> that the alias 'DP_PLZ_DA' is an Entity until the x.y.z.DP_PLZ_DA class is
> loaded. If you were to look at an enhanced Entity you would see that OpenJPA
> adds a static initializer that will register each Entity with OpenJPA.
> An alternative to calling "new DP_PLZ_DA();" would be to add something like
> this to each of your testcases.
> // List each Entity that this test is going to use.
> private Class[] _entities = new
> Class[]{x.y.z.DP_PLZ_DA.class,x.y.z.DP_PLZ_DB.class,etc... };
> Thanks,
> Rick
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Marc Logemann <l...@logemann.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am using a pretty straightforward Spring/OpenJPA JUnit Testcase scenario:
>> @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>> @ContextConfiguration(locations = "/appContext.xml")
>> public class DHLLeitcodeCreatorTest {
>>  ...
>>  @Test
>>   public void getDHLLeitcode() {
>>       someBean.superDuperAction();
>>  }
>> }
>> I am not explicitely declaring my entities in persistence.xml. Its all
>> autodetected via Annotations. (at least during normal runtime).
>> Inside superDuperAction(), a lot of queries are fired against OpenJPA. It
>> fails on the first Query saying that it cant find Entity DP_PLZ_DA (weird
>> class name, i know).
>> "Error message: The name "DP_PLZ_DA" is not a recognized entity or ...."
>> Now when i do this:
>>  @Test
>>   public void getDHLLeitcode() {
>>      DP_PLZ_DA df = new DP_PLZ_DA();
>>      someBean.superDuperAction();
>>  }
>> It works and it can find the Entity. But why in gods name do i need to
>> instantiate the class by myself in order to get detected? During normal
>> runtime, this is no problem. Kevin Sutter reported something similar here (
>> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=14459507)
>> but i thought i can solve this by upgrading to 1.2.2 but i was mistaken.
>> So why does OpenJPA fail on registering Entities?
>> ---
>> regards
>> Marc Logemann
>> http://www.logemann.org
>> http://www.logentis.de

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