Hi Jeremy,

thanks for your instant feedback. I directly tried your suggestion and now it 
works. So there is a bug in the cache implementation with regard to Type 
And its not a DB2 thingy because i am using MySQL ;-)

if you need more infos in the error case, i am willing to help if you want.... 
I would like to see this solved because disabling the cache means decreasing 
the performance somehow right?

Marc Logemann

Am 02.03.2011 um 17:31 schrieb Jeremy Bauer:

> Hi Marc,
> I'm wondering if this isn't caused by an inconsistent parameter type mapping
> as a result of using the QuerySQLCache. I saw a similar issue a few weeks
> ago, but it was oddly specific to DB2 on zOS. Please try:
> <property name="openjpa.jdbc.QuerySQLCache" value="false"/>
> -Jeremy
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Marc Logemann <l...@logemann.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am totally astonished:
>> I am using this query:
>>   public List<Order> findByDate(Date date) {
>>       TypedQuery<Order> query = getEntityManager().
>>               createQuery("select o FROM Order o where o.createdYmd = ?1
>> order by o.id", Order.class);
>>       query.setParameter(1, date, TemporalType.DATE);
>>       return query.getResultList();
>>   }
>> This query is called by a service class which is scheduled ever 30 seconds.
>> See the caller:
>>       // get yesterdays Date
>>       Date today = new Date();
>>       Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
>>       calendar.setTime(today);
>>       calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
>>       Date yesterday = calendar.getTime();
>>       List<Order> list = orderDao.findByDate(yesterday);
>> Now, on the second run, the query parameter is of type timestamp with full
>> time specified, giving me 0 records of course. First query returns records
>> because there TemporalType seems to work. See log.
>> [DEBUG myScheduler-3 16:36:30] | <t 941878577, conn 650647154> executing
>> prepstmnt 1488869003 SELECT t0.oid, t0.`_version`, t1.oid, t1.`_version`,
>> t1.cleared, t1.id, t1.lastused, t2.oid, t2.`_version`, t2.created,
>> t2.createdymd, t2.custnr, t2.greenoption, t2.ordernr, t2.invaddress_oid,
>> t2.iscardowner, t2.cost, t2.currency, t2.pricing, t2.paymenttype,
>> t2.printed, t2.printedby, t2.totalprice, t1.boxtype, t0.created,
>> t0.createdymd, t0.custnr, t3.oid, t3.jpatype, t3.`_version`, t3.addresstype,
>> t3.city, t3.company, t3.country, t3.department, t3.email, t3.firstname,
>> t3.gender, t3.lastname, t3.middlename, t3.phone, t3.zip, t3.postofficebox,
>> t3.street, t3.housenr, t3.title, t3.deliverymode, t0.greenoption,
>> t0.ordernr, t4.oid, t4.jpatype, t4.`_version`, t4.addresstype, t4.city,
>> t4.company, t4.country, t4.department, t4.email, t4.firstname, t4.gender,
>> t4.lastname, t4.middlename, t4.phone, t4.zip, t4.postofficebox, t4.street,
>> t4.housenr, t4.title, t4.deliverymode, t4.order_oid, t0.iscardowner,
>> t0.cost, t0.currency, t0.pricing, t0.paymenttype, t0.printed, t0.printedby,
>> t0.totalprice FROM orders t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN boxes t1 ON t0.box_oid = t1.oid
>> LEFT OUTER JOIN address t3 ON t0.oid = t3.order_oid LEFT OUTER JOIN address
>> t4 ON t0.invaddress_oid = t4.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN orders t2 ON t1.oid =
>> t2.box_oid WHERE (t0.createdymd = ?) AND (t3.jpatype IS NULL OR t3.jpatype
>> IN (?)) ORDER BY t0.ordernr ASC [params=(Date) 2011-03-01, (int) 2]
>> [DEBUG myScheduler-2 16:37:00] | <t 1835085919, conn 1503676955> executing
>> prepstmnt 154018541 SELECT t0.oid, t0.`_version`, t1.oid, t1.`_version`,
>> t1.cleared, t1.id, t1.lastused, t2.oid, t2.`_version`, t2.created,
>> t2.createdymd, t2.custnr, t2.greenoption, t2.ordernr, t2.invaddress_oid,
>> t2.iscardowner, t2.cost, t2.currency, t2.pricing, t2.paymenttype,
>> t2.printed, t2.printedby, t2.totalprice, t1.boxtype, t0.created,
>> t0.createdymd, t0.custnr, t3.oid, t3.jpatype, t3.`_version`, t3.addresstype,
>> t3.city, t3.company, t3.country, t3.department, t3.email, t3.firstname,
>> t3.gender, t3.lastname, t3.middlename, t3.phone, t3.zip, t3.postofficebox,
>> t3.street, t3.housenr, t3.title, t3.deliverymode, t0.greenoption,
>> t0.ordernr, t4.oid, t4.jpatype, t4.`_version`, t4.addresstype, t4.city,
>> t4.company, t4.country, t4.department, t4.email, t4.firstname, t4.gender,
>> t4.lastname, t4.middlename, t4.phone, t4.zip, t4.postofficebox, t4.street,
>> t4.housenr, t4.title, t4.deliverymode, t4.order_oid, t0.iscardowner,
>> t0.cost, t0.currency, t0.pricing, t0.paymenttype, t0.printed, t0.printedby,
>> t0.totalprice FROM orders t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN boxes t1 ON t0.box_oid = t1.oid
>> LEFT OUTER JOIN address t3 ON t0.oid = t3.order_oid LEFT OUTER JOIN address
>> t4 ON t0.invaddress_oid = t4.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN orders t2 ON t1.oid =
>> t2.box_oid WHERE (t0.createdymd = ?) AND (t3.jpatype IS NULL OR t3.jpatype
>> IN (?)) ORDER BY t0.ordernr ASC [params=(Timestamp) 2011-03-01 16:37:00.001,
>> (int) 2]
>> I have completely no clue what to do now ;-) Thanks for input.
>> ---
>> regards
>> Marc Logemann
>> http://www.logemann.org
>> http://www.logentis.de

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