web.de is of course to be replaced with your database host name ...

2012/12/14 seba.wag...@gmail.com <seba.wag...@gmail.com>

> Yes that is what I meant Mikael.
> In the server on demo.openmeetings.de those config variables are exactly
> the same:
> mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout";
> +---------------+-------+
> | Variable_name | Value |
> +---------------+-------+
> | wait_timeout  | 28800 |
> +---------------+-------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout";
> +---------------+-------+
> | Variable_name | Value |
> +---------------+-------+
> | wait_timeout  | 28800 |
> +---------------+-------+
> 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
> mysql>
> Another reason might be that the host in general is not available.
> You could for example test this by doing a (nasty) small ping script that
> runs "demon-like".
> For example:
> nohup ping -c 100000000000000 web.de &
> it will write all ping results to a file called nohup.out.
> And you can check the output in real-time using:
> tail -f nohup.out
> with some more "shell kung-fu" I guess you could also add the date part in
> front of every ping result.
> Then you let run the script overnight.
> And tomorrow morning when you see in your openmeetings log file => there
> was a db connection lost, you see in the openmeetings log what time exactly
> the connection lost was
> And then you check the output of your ping protocol in the nohup.out if
> there was any host issue (especially around that date/time of course).
> Sebastian
> 2012/12/13 Mikael Kurula <alcar...@gmail.com>
>> 2880
> --
> Sebastian Wagner
> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
> http://www.webbase-design.de
> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
> seba.wag...@gmail.com

Sebastian Wagner

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