Thanks for the clarifications, Jesse.  I'm going to pull Mark into this
conversation to see how he might want to handle the openjpa-maven-plugin
documentation request (since he's the author of this plugin).  We should be
able to do something to make this more prominent.  Thanks for the input.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Jesse Farinacci <> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Kevin Sutter <> wrote:
> > Can you further explain which openjpa-maven-plugin "site" you are
> referring
> > to?
> Yes, the Apache Maven openjpa-maven-plugin generated site. You refer
> to it later, so no further explanation required here I think.
> > On our maven enhancement page [1], we have a reference to this site
> > documentation currently hosted by mikedd:
> >
> I didn't see it there, thank you for pointing it out!
> > Is that what you referring to?  Or, is there something else you are
> > requesting?  And, which "top level site" are you referring to provide
> this
> > link?
> I'd think that we'd want to make this a first class citizen. With
> placement on the left navigation area of the main page[1], I've no
> preference for which sub-section in that area. I would also think we'd
> want to refer to it on the Documentation page[2], for each version of
> OpenJPA that ships, the openjpa-m-p which is targetted for that
> release.
> [1]
> [2]
> > [1]
> Finally, thanks again for making me read more closely. That page you
> refer mentions that we are looking for a proper home on the
> site to place the maven plugin documentation -- is
> there a ticket to do this that I can follow? I think that other users
> would also find it useful if the documentation was more of a proper
> job instead of a see also kind of thing.
> Thanks very much,
> -Jesse
> --
> There are 10 types of people in this world, those
> that can read binary and those that can not.

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