Not that I am aware of...  Of course, OpenJPA has access to and utilizes
the metadata while processing the result set, but I don't see a means of
providing that metadata back to the application.  Since OpenJPA is
open-source, we always welcome new feature submissions...  :-)

One alternative that might work for you is to tie into OpenJPA's JDBC
Listeners [1].  If you tied into the post execute statement listener, you
could get access to the jdbc-related artifacts and do your own parsing of
the information.  Maybe not quite as easy as the eclipselink feature, but
would that provide the metadata you are looking for?



On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Will Hoover <> wrote:

> Is there any feature in OpenJPA that will allow capture of a queries
> metadata (similar to "eclipselink.result-type"="Map")?
> I'm trying to capture a rowid from a native query update call.

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