Yes OpenJPA will occasionally flush when/if it is deemed necessary. One
example that comes to mind is the openjpa.FlushBeforeQueries property[1]...
I'm sure there are others, but I can't come up with all of the different

The thing that concerns me is that you have Entities that aren't really
Entities... is there a reason why these things that shouldn't be persisted
aren't just treated as POJOs? It seems that might be a better way to go so
then you won't have to fake OpenJPA out.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Christoph Weiss <
> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> Thanks for your reply!
> Well actually we do not have any "unwanted flush calls" but we are scared
> that they might happen ; )
> But let's take about the details:
> We try to upgrade an old JEE application (with an custom developed
> PersistenceFramework) to JPA.
> Because of effort and QA reason we want to maintain the old "business
> logic".  Here we had objects which are created, modified but never stored
> in the database.
> However those objects are now becoming JPAEntities and so we implemented
> our own UpdateManager. This UpdateManager is taking care that only
> "selected" objects are flushed.
> (as written in one of the previous posts).
> The complete concept and implementation is working fine as long as we can
> control when the flush is executed (--> goal "at the end of our EJB
> transaction")
> However talking to colleagues I understand that the EntityManager might do
> flush operations beside the transactions.  Reason could be e.g. to free up
> cache or memory.
> And that is something we want to avoid.
> Now I am not sure if this are just "rumors" from the colleagues or if
> there are cases where the EntityManager might execute a flush w/o any
> association / trigger from a transaction.
> Can you help on this topic?
> Cheers
> Christoph
> From:   Rick Curtis <>
> To:     users <>
> Date:   11.08.2014 20:38
> Subject:        Re: Container Managed EntityManager - is there a chance to
> control flush calls ?
> Nothing immediately comes to my mind. Perhaps a better explanation of what
> you are trying to do will expose some other solution. One question though,
> what is currently driving the unwanted flush() calls?
> Thanks,
> Rick
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Christoph Weiss
> <
> > wrote:
> > Dear Community,
> >
> > We are running OpenJPa with "container managed" EntityManagers (using
> > WebSphere Application Server).
> > Because of technical reasons we want to explicitly control when the
> > EntityManager executes the flush.
> >
> > First I thought that the parameter "FlushMode" could be a solution, but
> > reading the documentation I understood it isn't.
> > So is there any other way to really control when the flush is executed?
> >
> > Any reply is appreciated. Thanks for your help in advance!
> >
> > Cheers
> > Christoph Weiss
> >
> --
> *Rick Curtis*

*Rick Curtis*

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