Hi Charlie!

trunk is targetting JPA-2.1 but we still have quite a bit to go until we are 
spec compliant.


> Am 10.02.2017 um 15:02 schrieb Charlie Mordant <cmorda...@gmail.com>:
> Hi best ORM mapper implementers!
> I caught some mailing list mails which spoke about 2.1 implementation on
> the way. What's the current status?
> Spring 5 forces 2.1 compliance as a prerequisite so it should be nice to
> have a 2.1 support (also, I really dislike Hibernate as an orm, OpenJPA is
> far more bullet proof IMHO).
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Charlie Mordant
> Full OSGI/EE stack made with Karaf:
> https://github.com/OsgiliathEnterprise/net.osgiliath.parent

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