if i have two webapps:
- directory
- file
they both access databases with the same names:
- directory
- file
in the directory database there is a table called user with the following fields:
- id
- firstname
- secondname
in the file database there is a table called file with the following fields:
- id
- something
- userid
if i build a File @Entity which has a transient User object what is the best way to populate those objects during the queries?

currently i am aiming to make a rest interface on directory and passing all the userids from the File objects and returning the User objects.  is the recommended way to do this?

Also, JAX-WS seems much better for passing objects between webapps as it constructs the objects in the second project.  i have been using JAX-RS and it seems i have to keep all the objects in a common jar file for use in both projects.  is there a recommended method for passing objects between the webapps? (i may be getting off topic here but any experience you may have would be much appreciated)

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