Hi Rob! 

It's even a bit more complicated. During the javax -> jakarta spec migration we 
found a few javax packages which will remain in the JDK and thus remain to keep 
the javax package name. The javax.transaction.xa is one of those. It is also 
not part of the official jakarta jta packages. Thus I'd say we should also 
remove this package from the geronimo specs jar and roll a new release. Just 
checked that the xa package is also part of Java 17 still.


> Am 28.09.2021 um 18:11 schrieb Rob Scala <r...@scalas.com>:
> Hi Everyone,
> I hope I have the right mailing list.
> I'm working on upgrading from java 8 to java 16, and updating dependencies in 
> the process.  My project is modular.  I hit a stumbling block with a split 
> package:
> module X reads package javax.transaction.xa from both 
> org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo.jta.spec and java.transaction.xa
> where X is a lot of different modules, including apache commons, awssdk, 
> jersey, etc.
> I understand that this error is caused by a core java module 
> (java.transaction.xa) and a geronimo.jta module both containing classes in 
> the packate "javax.transaction.xa".  That is not allowed in modular projects. 
>  Since the geronimo module is required by OpenJPA, I tried excluding the core 
> java module, but that didn't work, and I don't know if it even should work.
> Has anyone used OpenJPA in a modular project?  Is there a solution for this?
> Thanks a bunch!
> Rob Scala

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