On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 05:06:16PM +0200, Jacolin Yves wrote:
> Sorry, My explanation is not clear. I get an url from a webservice which 
> supply a gml. I succeed to display this layer in OL. I would like to change 
> the style for each feature using a sld file.
> In order to test OL (and myself), I tried to override the perFeatureInsert as 
> you explained me (see above). I succeed to change the style for all feature.
> Now, I would like to use the SLD file to change the style for each feature.

Okay. You'll need to write an SLD parser, and a function that takes an
OpenLayers.Feature.Vector and returns a style object for it. That code
doesn't exist yet. I believe there was some work being done by Andreas
on it, but as far as code that is in the trunk of OpenLayers or
'supported', you're on your own. I'm sorry if this wasn't clear before.

Christopher Schmidt
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