On Nov 9, 2007 4:47 PM, Xavier Rayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!

Hi Xavier,

>  i have a problem with my openlayers map because most of times needs a lot
> of time to load all my wms layers. I'm using MapServer 4 Windows - version
> 2.2.4 and openlayers 4.

I guess you mean OpenLayers 2.4, right?

> I'm loading 6 shapefiles in 4 openlayers.layers
> because that is how i can see it better and i don't know if this is the
> problem.

I guess you have one MapServer layer per shapefile in your mapfile.
Still, you can one OpenLayers.Layer.WMS whose layers argument hold the
name of your 6 MapServer layers. In this way, the images displayed by
this layer would be an aggregation of the 6 MapServer layers. This
should show much better performance that using 6 OpenLayers.Layer

>  I also have some problems with the transparency of my layers, what can i
> do?

I don't know if you use OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, but if you do you should
set your WMS layer's transparent parameter to true. See this example
to know to pass this parameter to your layer: <
http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/google.html>. In your mapfile
you use can use PNG PC256 in your OUTPUTFORMAT. See
<http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/outputformat> for
more details.

Hope this helps,

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