On Nov 16, 2007 4:14 PM, Pascal Ehlert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi mailing list!
> I'm trying to build my own control to enable the user to query some
> information depending on where he clicked.
> Now I'd like to add this control to my panel and change between
> normal navigation and query mode.
> Unfortunately there are two problems with it:
> The first is that the class for the control element in my panel
> doesn't change to olControlODAQueryItemActive when I click it,

To get OpenLayers to use the classes olControlODAQueryItemActive and
olControlODAQueryItemInactive for your control you need to place it in
an OpenLayers panel. See
<http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/panel.html> for an example on
how to use a panel.

You'd also need to declare your control using something like that:

OpenLayers.Control.ODAQuery = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
    initialize: function(options) {
        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);

    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.ODAQuery"

OpenLayers will derive class names (olControlODAQueryItemActive and
olControlODAQueryItemInactive) from your control's CLASS_NAME
property. This occurs in the Control.Panel code (see

> although the
> event is registered.
> The second is that I don't really know how to unregister it so that
> normal navigation is possible again.

Your class should override the unactivate() method and call
this.map.unregister() from this method.

> Oh, okay, there's just another problem that came to my mind:
> I'd also like it to unregister all default mouse handlers upon
> activation, so that you can't navigate in query mode.

Hmm, if you register a callback for the click event only, you should
still be able to navigate. Go back to us with examples if that doesn't

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