On Nov 22, 2007 12:58 AM, Nick Whitelegg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm coming across a problem I can't figure out in "osmajax", the OpenLayers
> Vector-based OSM editor I'm developing, at
> http://www.free-map.org.uk/freemap/javascript/osmajax-0.5/index.php
> The problem relates to the search facility, which moves to another location.
> If you select a feature before doing a search, errors continuously come up
> reading
> this.renderer has no properties (OpenLayers.js line 710)
> when you arrive at the new location. (However, the vector data for the new
> location is correctly loaded and displayed properly). The problem does not
> arise if a feature is not selected before doing the search. This can be
> demonstrated in the default location by selecting a feature, and then
> entering "Durley" in the search box.
> My code to set the centre of the map (in Osmajax.js, occurs in response to the
> search):
>     this.setCentre = function(latlon)
>     {
>         if(this.selectedFeature)
>             this.vectorLayer.removeFeatures(this.selectedFeature);
>         this.vectorLayer.destroy();
>         this.vectorLayer=null;
>         var cvtr=new converter("Mercator");
>         var prjLL = cvtr.normToCustom(latlon);
>         this.map.setCenter(prjLL, this.map.getZoom() );
>         this.vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OSM
> Layer",this.statusMsg);
>         this.setupControls();
>         this.map.addLayer(this.vectorLayer);
>         this.load();
>     }
> (I have to delete the layer and create it again, as otherwise, Firefox chokes
> because the extent of the vector layer is too large).
> Any ideas what might be wrong here? Using OpenLayers 2.4.

Hi Nick,

I haven't looked into detail but I think this might be related to the
SelectFeature control. Since you delete the osm layer and create a new
one, the SelectFeature may still be trying to work with the old layer.
I'm not sure...

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