Hello everyone,

One or two new developments on Freemap (free-map.org.uk) and Osmajax. I've 
implemented a feature where Freemap users can upload a GPX trace (this also 
gets uploaded to OSM) and then the Osmajax editor will load up, showing them 
their trace, plus waypoints, ready to draw upon.

Not quite "production ready" as such yet, and still less than robust when it 
comes to full error handling, but I thought I'd mention it for the curious 
and to invite comments. You might want to try it in an area where you're 
unlikely to mess up someone else's data. I've used it to draw a number of 
ways in the New Forest from a walk I did yesterday and another a week ago.
My aim is really to provide an OSM interface geared specifically for walkers, 
that's where future developments will lie.

Also I'd like to reiterate it's really designed for low density areas e.g 
countryside or villages.

OpenLayers guys (or anyone else for that matter) - I still occasionally get an 
error where if I select a feature, the feature isn't actually selected (don't 
get the "You selected feature XXXX" message) - any ideas on this?


http://www.free-map.org.uk - Freemap
http://www.free-map.org.uk/freemap/gpxtodb.php - GPX uploading interface

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