On Friday 11 January 2008 17:49:09 Eric Lemoine wrote:
> > In any case (in mine DragHandler
> > and a 'click' Map.Event above a feature), I've tried setting both
> > true/false manually but that did not change much as (according to my
> > admittedly poor firebug skills) the event still gets stopped in somebodys
> > OpenLayers.Handler.Feature (maybe it needs a stopDown property, too, or
> > modification to a common ancestor ?).
> I'm having trouble following you here. Could you post some code?

Yes, I outdid myself with the parentheses, sorry about that. The code:

var drag = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(pointlayer,{
                onStart: function(feature, pixel)
                onComplete: function(feature, pixel)

        drag.dragHandler.stopDown = false;
        map.events.register("click", map, function(e) {
              var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
              alert("You clicked near " + lonlat.lat + " N, " +
                                          + lonlat.lon + " E");

What I want to do is to preserve 'click' functionality even if the click 
happened over a draggable feature. pointlayer is a GML layer containing 
features with point geometries. What happens in the svn version is that in 
pointlayer.events, Events.js on line 627, after Handler.Drag returns 
continueChain = true due to the stopDown property, but on the call to the 
next listener (a Handler.Feature), continueChain = false and thus it doesn't 
fall through to other elements. I'm still familiarizing myself with OL 
structures, so my assessment might be wrong of course...
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