Le Wednesday 30 January 2008 09:38:40 Andreas Hocevar, vous avez écrit :
> Andrew-
> Andrew de klerk wrote:
> > I remeber reading somewhere that presenting a GML with a thematic (i.e.
> > different colours for different polygons based upon a Field atrtribute)
> > was currently under development, but I cannot seem to find the
> > development code......Is this true, or am I missing something completely
> > and its is already available.
> This is already in OpenLayers trunk. See
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Styles for a tutorial, and
> http://www.openlayers.org/dev/examples/georss-flickr.html for an example
> to get you started. The classes used for that are OpenLayers.Style and
> OpenLayers.Rule.*
> Regards,
> Andreas.

Thanks Andreas, I miss this information.

Yves Jacolin
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