
You need the proj4.js library to do reprojection in OpenLayers.


Even with that I'm not sure EPSG:3003 will be supported. I recall that
the author of proj4.js (Mike Adair) gave a list of supported
projections on the OpenLayers mailing list but I can't find his email.
Searching the mailing on nabble you should be able to find this list

Hope this helps;

On Feb 13, 2008 1:31 AM, Andrea Maschio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I suppose that the method Bounds.transform(ProjA, ProjB)
> should transform the coordinates between differents EPSG codes.
> Now I was trying this:
>             var p = bounds
>              console.log(p)
>              p = bounds.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:
> 900913"), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:3003"))
>              console.log(p)
> But p has always the same coords. Btw I am working in a projected
> layer (projected from 3003 to 900913) and my wfs layers are ok, but
> being my coords in the Gauss Boaga metric system, I cannot get them
> correctly trying for example a GetFeatureInfo call using a BBOX.
> Shall I perform a linear translation of the coordinates?
> Thanks
> Andrea Maschio
> http://www.superandrew.it
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