On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 03:25:54PM +0100, Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
> Hi list,
> I thought the mousewheel used to center on the mouse cursor, but it does not
> do this anymore in trunk. Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me :-)

It never did. It is designed so that you can mousewheel in and have the
same point under your mouse cursor as you zoom in. Doing what you
describe below would end up with two mouse wheel 'clicks' in the same
spot ending up sending you to who knows where: this is a very negative

I would highly recommend against such behavior: it's even worse than the
original behavior (which was to just call zoomIn(), not changing the
center at all) of the MouseDefaults. 

> -is this intentional?


> -if so, could it not become a property of the Navigation Control so people
> can control this behaviour themselves?

Enabling people to shoot their users in the foot is generally something
we avoid doing. I'd be -0 on such a change.

Christopher Schmidt
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