Hi all!

I need to set up an advanced GeoRSS management in one of our viewer. In
other words the user should be able to load an URL and decide the rendering
according to a tag he/she decides.
I started from the example and have extended the geoRSS reader to accept
all possible GeoRSS geographic tag format (according to Georss.org) for
point elements. Now I try to understand what is the best way to extend the
support to lines and polygons. The problem is mainly related to what kind
of OL's layer (vector?) I should use to better manage the symbology of such
As long as symbology is concerned the first idea is to create a repository
of marker symbols on our server and to let the user manage the association
among tag field values and symbols in an interface that will open before
rendering the data.
We are very new at OL but we have very good programming skills. We'd like
to develop something reusable also for the community.
Any comments or suggestions?


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