On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 03:21:01AM -0700, springrider wrote:
> Hello,
> I am displaying map dealing with WMS layers based on CQL_FILTER. To get the
> extent of the polygons effectively displayed in my map, i use a WFS request
> which work nicely even if it is error-prone and implies to set up some proxy
> configurations at server level which is not always easily doable.
> By checking the Openlayers library, i saw that the getdataExtent was
> existing for the markers, is it considered to be extended to other format
> layer such as WMS? I think it would be quite useful to obtain automatically
> the extent of a WMS in that way.

In general, OpenLayers does not have information on the client side to
provide the WMS extent. Using a WMS GetCapabilities request is the only
way (via WMS) to get that information. 

There is a plan for a WMS GetCapabilities format, which could read WMS
GetCaps data, at some point in the future, I believe. I don't know if
reading the Layer extent is planned as part of this development. 

Christopher Schmidt
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