
I am trying to display a map, with a Google map base layer. A requirement is to 
see the whole world, but only once: even at the lowest zoom level, the world 
must not be repeated.

My map div is 700px wide, and the size of the world displayed is a bit smaller, 
so it is displayed again on each side of the map.

So the question is: is it possible to display the world only once at the lowest 
zoom level, so as the antimeridian line touches the border of the map on each 
side, without resizing the map div?

The map I currently have is at http://beta.gogeo.ac.uk/cgi-bin/intl.cgi if it 

The options I used to do this are:
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google Normal", { 'type': G_NORMAL_MAP,
                                                        MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL: 1 });

and the parameters of the map are:

maxResolution : 156543.0339,
projection : new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
units : 'm',
maxExtent : worldExtent,
restrictedExtent : worldExtent,
wrapDateLine : true, //not sure where this one come from...

with worldExtent being (-180,-90,180,90) transformed to Projection("EPSG:4326").

All of this with OL 2.6RC1.

Thanks for any hint,

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