EPSG:41001 is a user defined projection, at one time referred to the
Google spherical mercator projection, but has now been renamed
I see you're using OSM tiles, which are projected in 900913.
Changing the projection option on the map to: new
You can then add a projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
to the options of the Text layer, and it should reproject it for you.
(No need for proj4js)

On 6/5/08, Eric Lemoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:42 AM, PhilippeP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hmmmm good question, I'm not good with projections (too many of them) ,
>> they
>> are plain coordonates (latitude,longitude in degrees)
> Looking at your code your map projection is EPSG:41001, so you won't
> be able to display WGS84 (lon/lat) points on your map. You need to use
> proj4.js (hopefully it has support for 41001) and reproject your
> points before adding them to the map. Search the mailing list for help
> with using proj4.js with OpenLayers.
> --
> Eric
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