Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 07:29:04AM -0700, realjax wrote:
>> Eric Lemoine-3 wrote:
>>> You mean 10.000ms is still unacceptable compared to the 4.000ms FF takes?
>> :-) no 10 seconds would be acceptible (with firefox now pulling it off at
>> 1.4 seconds by the way,including rendering), but the problem remains in the
>> sense that IE still needs as much time to render..
>> So all though addFeatures is now done in 10 secs, IE still needs *many* more
>> seconds to render...
> Welcome to the world of VML. 
> Seriously, I doubt there's going to be much you can do in OL to help
> yourself here: IE's rendering is much much slower than FF. The order of
> slowness is probably something like:
>  Safari 3.1 (SVG) > FF3 (SVG) / Opera 9.5 SVG > Opera 9.0 SVG > FF2 SVG > 
>  IE 7 VML > IE 6 VML  
Heh that order corresponds exactly with the JavaScript speed tests results
I have done, though Opera 9.5 and FF3 were neck and neck .... 

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