On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 04:23:14PM -0500, Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: I'm curious if anyone else has run into zindex/stacking issues with 
> OL and Firefox 3. I have an app
> that works fine with Firefox 2.x but there seems to be a stacking issue with 
> Firefox 3. Basically the map
> covers up all other controls placed atop the base div. Most are custom so 
> it's probable that I've made a 
> mistake. The map also appears over the top of drop down menus on the site 
> which aren't even associated 
> with the map div. Any thoughts on where to start debugging would be 
> appreciated...
> The site url:
>   http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/compass.html 
> and is using OL 2.6.

Yes, this is difference in FF3 and FF2. Specifically, FF3 uses the
z-Index (which OpenLayers uses to arrange layers) for contained elements
as if they are absolute across the document unless a z-index is set on
some parent element.

This also matches the behavior of Safari 3.

The way to fix this is to explicitly set the z-Index of your map div to
0: style="z-Index:0" works for this, but you should probabyl put it in
your CSS instead.

This sets the 'base' of the OL map to be lower than other thigns 9Or at
the same level) which then allows others to 'float over' OL.

I've tested this using Firebug on your map, and have no problem with it.

Christopher Schmidt
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