Hi Christopher thanks for your reply.

None of my data is is EPSG:4326 and neither is the map. The data is
EPSG:3004 and everthing else is spherical mercator. EPSG:4326 is only used
in the displayProjection. Is this ok ?

Yes, I have tested both Google and VE.

Google and VE actually correspond when I look at the roads layer. I had not
noticed this previously.
The Google imagery is bad (in this area) therefore I ignore it.

However my data is off. 
Note that I have imported this same data into Google *EARTH* (i.e. in
EPSG:4326) and it overlayed fine. I also overlay it on my orthophotos so I
am sure about it's accuracy.

I think it may be due to this problem with Proj.4. I am using the version
that comes with Mapserver binaries for windows (version number is not
specified). Judging from the dates of the binaries it may be 4.4.7. Is that
old ?

I tried googling the problem you mentioned but got no hits. Could you send
me some link or tell me how to go about diagnosing that problem in my setup

Thanks again.

Christopher Schmidt-4 wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 01:02:31PM -0700, George.Muammar wrote:
>> The road layer (Teleatlas / Navteq) comes in UTM - WGS84 and I also
>> combine
>> it with my cadastral data. I play with these projections every day and
>> are
>> very confident with them  - but not so with the so called "spherical
>> mercator"
> Using Google Maps in EPSG:4326 *must* lead to offsets within OpenLayers.
> There is no possible way to avoid this, as Google Maps data is
> *projected* data, and EPSG:4326 is a 'flat' projection, using lat/lon as
> planar units. The end result is that there is no way that you can
> correctly overlay data on top of Google Maps, Virtual Earth, or any
> other commercial baselayer.
> However, reading the following, I realize you are using spherical
> mercator? At least, I Think? In which case, the answer is "yes, I have
> used this with 'very accurate maps', and had no problems getting pixel
> perfect overlays on top of Google Maps. However, I have also seen
> significant offsets, *especially* in VirtualEarth (in the 100M range)
> even in areas where I would typicaly expect better results.
> (Specifically, New Orleans in VE at some zoom levels is *bad*.)
> I don't see anything wrong with your configuration here; Have you tried
> laying over Google instead?
> Another comment is that it is possible that your proj.4 version may
> affect things: I've heard people reporting problems with older proj.4
> libraries not respecting the [EMAIL PROTECTED] hack.
> Just a few thoughts.
>> Does anybody have any opinion in the matter ? has anyone tried to overlay
>> Google / VE / Yahoo with very accurate maps ?
>> For the record I am doing the following: (maybe something wrong)
>> projections in Proj.4 epsg file:
>> # Spherical Mercator for Google etc. 
>> <900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
>> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m [EMAIL PROTECTED] +no_defs
>> <3004> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15.0 +k=0.999600 +x_0=2520000 +y_0=0
>> +ellps=intl +pm=0 +units=m  no_defs <>
>> I define my map thus:
>>      var smproj = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
>>      mapOptions = {
>>          projection: smproj,
>>          units: "m",
>>          displayProjection: geoproj
>>      };
>> my layers thus:
>>            var hyblayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth( ....
>> 'sphericalMercator': true});
>>              var pmwms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( .....
>>                           {'projection': smproj});
>> -- 
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Conversion-to-Spherical-Mercator---100m-error-tp18898188p18898188.html
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> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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