Andreas Hocevar schrieb:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Lars Lingner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If I understand the comments on above ticket right, than would be a
>> proper solution to reorganize the object in one svg tag, like:
>> <svg>
>>    <path class="layer1" id="path1"/>
>>    <path class="layer2" id="path2"/>
>>    <path class="layer2" id="path3"/>
>> </svg>
>> If anybody could confirm/rebut this that would be great.
> Unfortunately, this only works as long as all vector layers are on top
> of all other layers. If you e.g. have a WMS layer between layer1 and

Hmm, thats true, but is there a use case where an non-vector layer needs
to be between vector layers? In the scenarios I know the WMS was always
the background layer. All other layers where piled on top of it.
If there is no real need that vector and non-vector layers are allowed
to mix, maybe it should not be possible?

>> I'm sure that such an modification needs a lot of work to be done. But I
>> really want to do it and if its getting less complicated the better.
> Note that there is a new ticket which proposes your solution:

Thanks for the link... I didn't know about it.

>> If anybody has any ideas to this topic please post it. I simply don't
>> know where to start.
> Maybe the above suggestions are at least a bit helpful. If you really
> want to work on that, you can be sure that you will get help on the
> dev list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), because many developers are interested
> in this.

It was helpful, thank you! I'll move to the dev list with this topic.

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