I have a wfs layer that displays points on my map, using markers.
I would like to have a popup that displays data regarding the point which
would get activated for a click event.

I tried the following but, it seems to return all the data regarding the wfs
layer, not the single point, irrespective of
where I click on the map.

 wfs_cities.events.register('click', map, function (e) {
                document.getElementById('nodelist').innerHTML = "Loading...
please wait...";
                var url =  map.layers[2].getFullRequestString(
                        REQUEST: "GetFeature",
                        EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",
                        BBOX: map.getExtent().toBBOX(),
                        X: e.xy.x,
                        Y: e.xy.y,
                        INFO_FORMAT: 'text/html',
                        QUERY_LAYERS: map.layers[2].params.LAYERS,
                        FEATURE_COUNT: 50,
                        WIDTH: map.size.w,
                        HEIGHT: map.size.h

Any ideas how I can get around this ?

Thanks in advance.

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