Do you call layer.redraw(true) in the Request.POST callback?

Cheers, Eric

2008/11/6, Lehtonen, Mika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am using dynamic, on server-side constructed SLDs' in
> Geoserver/Openlayers. They are attached by mergeNewParams({sld: 'file'})
> function. At first OL sends an array of parameters into PHP by POST and
> after that the wms-request is sent including the sld file location (+
> session id). The problem is that after the SLD is changed, the view
> isn't, even though I use layer.redraw(true), not until the map is panned
> or zoomed.
> So what could I do to make updating happen right after the SLD is
> updated? Is the redraw function run too early or does it wait until the
> request is ready?
> - mika -
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