On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:36:59AM -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> I have an idea that might be a useful extension to the Permalink control 
> that would allow it to support arbitrary additional parameters. It would 
> involve adding a callback to the control creation and adding an 
> additional method(s) for setting the additional argument values.
> Usage would be something like this:
>      var plink = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(
>           "permalink", base, {}, mycallback);
>      map.addControl(plink);

The third argument of controls is an options hash. All options hashes in
OpenLayers extend the default/base object properties and methods -- any
'key' in the option hash will override the corresponding key on the
class you're using. 

With the existing code, this means that you can do the following:

 * Create a new myCreateArgs function:

function myCreateArgs() {
    var args = 
            this, arguments
    args['myOption'] = myOptionSetting;
 * Pass this in to the argumets hash, overriding the createParams

     var plink = new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(null, null,
        {'createParams': myCreateArgs})

 * When something changes, call plink.updateLink();

> And then, when the page is reinstantiated, the argParser would call:
>      if (this.callback) {
>          this.callback(args);
>      }

You can already create a customized ArgParser class and pass it to your
Permalink, but I'm not even sure that you should be parsing these things
in the argParser -- just parse them in your init() code instead, no need
to do any modifications or subclassing.

Christopher Schmidt
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