I am new to openlayers, trying to display a .kml file that works fine in
google earth on an openlayers web page.  The code is shown below.  The
map itself comes up fine but not showing any of the markers, there is no
error message.

The code is a copy of one of the example web pages but with my own .kml

Thanks for any suggestions, Mike.


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/style.css"
type="text/css" />

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

    <script src="http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js";></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var lon = 5;

        var lat = 40;

        var zoom = 5;

        var map, layer;


        function init(){

            map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');

            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",

                    "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms/vmap0";, {layers:
'basic'} );


            map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("KML", 



                format: OpenLayers.Format.KML, 

                formatOptions: {

                  extractStyles: true, 

                  extractAttributes: true



            map.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10,49,5,60));




  <body onload="init()">


      <h1 id="title">KML Layer Example</h1>


      <div id="tags"></div>


      <p id="shortdesc">

          Demonstrates loading and displaying a KML file on top of a



    <div id="map" class="smallmap"></div>


    <div id="docs"></div>


  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><br>---------------------------------<br>The Open University 
is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & 
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