Christopher Schmidt wrote:
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 03:58:53PM -0800, Greg Ederer wrote:

I saw an earlier post that recommended using the opacity property to 
access the opacity value of a layer; however, on my OpenLayers.Layer.WMS 
layers, the opacity property always contains a null value.  Any suggestions?

layer.opacity is representative of the clientside opacity; did you
assign the opacity using setOpacity or similar?

Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I have called layer.setOpacity before reading the opacity property.  This changes the opacity as advertised.  But, I don't know how to get the value back out.

I'm making an opacity slider control.  I need to know the opacity of a layer so I can set the slider value correctly.



| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| 360.774.6848
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