

I’ve recently started using OpenLayers and I have 3 questions:


1.       I’ve been using the “resize” transition effect on my base layer.
However the effect doesn’t occur in every zoom in/out. Am I missing
something or the transition effect still has some issues?

2.       A have many types of data to display over the map. One of those is
KML. In the KML file I want to represent there’s a “GroundOverlay” element
which defines as image to overlap onto the map. I can’t find the support for
this type of elements in the KML parser. Are there any plans for this or
some kind of workaround?

3.       Another type of data I want to display on the map are some district
shapes, defined in GeoJSON. The parser handles it fine and the shapes are
represented on the map: http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6856/img1vj0.jpg
. However when I zoom in, the shapes of the islands at the left become
visible when they should not, since the islands themselves are not visible
on the map http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/930/img2lt8.jpg . Anyone has
some ideas about what could be the problem?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,


João Duarte



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