
the div size is this big so that the loading panel can be centered in 
the map.

Can you please post your complete example HTML to reproduce the problem?

As I said mousewheel navigation works for me in the example when the 
loading panel is showing, so I don't get the problem.

Best regards,

BrainDrain wrote:
> of course I know about this example 
> I think problem is here (loadingPanel):
> maximizeControl: function(evt) {
>         var viewSize = this.map.getSize();
>         var msgW = viewSize.w;
>         var msgH = viewSize.h;
>         this.div.style.width = msgW + "px";//WHY?
>         this.div.style.height = msgH + "px";//WHY?
>         this.div.style.display = "block";             
>         this.maximized = true;
>         if (evt != null) {
>             OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
>         }
>     }
> div size is very large (div catching mouse wheel event addressed to layer's
> divs): it must be equals to size of background img!
> changing background-position (in css) to right top just moves background img
> (I use smaller one then in example, more sexy) to right top corner but div
> size is still big - overlapping map/layer's (tile's) divs
> I've change code to
>     minimizeControl: function(evt) {
>         this.div.style.display = "none"; 
>         //this.div.style.width = "0px";
>         //this.div.style.height = "0px";
>         this.maximized = false;
>         if (evt != null) {
>             OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
>         }
>     },
>     maximizeControl: function(evt) {
>         //var viewSize = this.map.getSize();
>         //var msgW = viewSize.w;
>         //var msgH = viewSize.h;
>         //this.div.style.width = msgW + "px";
>         //this.div.style.height = msgH + "px";                                
>         this.div.style.display = "block";             
>         this.maximized = true;
>         if (evt != null) {
>             OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
>         }
>     },
> + css:
> .olControlLoadingPanel {
>         background-image:url(~/images/default/open-layers/loading.gif);    
>       background-position:center;
>         background-repeat:no-repeat;    
>       top: 5px;
>         right: 5px;
>       width: 16px;
>       height: 16px;
>     position: absolute;
> }
> and zoom wheel works good during tiles loading
> but I need to make this more correct (div hiding with resetting size)
> so I need to preserve populated from css div size before hiding (minimizing)
> and restore on maximize
> or I need to find a way to auto-size div by img content (without css)
> looking into layerswitcher code we can find this:
> maximizeControl: function(e) {
>         //HACK HACK HACK - find a way to auto-size this layerswitcher
>         this.div.style.width = "20em";
>         this.div.style.height = ""; ...
> )))))))))))
> Now I'm going to try Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds function from MS AJAX
> client lib.
> Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
>> Hi,
>> for me it works in the loadingpanel example:
>> http://dev.openlayers.org/addins/loadingPanel/trunk/examples/loadingpanel.html
>> It could have to do with the sequence in which you add the controls, 
>> take a good look at the example.
>> Best regards,
>> Bart
>> BrainDrain wrote:
>>> I've found that loadingPanel addon doesn't work properly
>>> When I add some controls (including new OpenLayers.Control.LoadingPanel()
>>> &
>>> new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({ zoomWheelEnabled: true }) in my map
>>> (I'm
>>> using tiled mapserver layer)
>>> and when tiles loading - mouse wheel doesn't change zoom level in my map
>>> mouse wheel become working only after loading ends
>>> BUT with MouseDefaults control all works perfectly!
>>> After some digging I can see that problem in onWheelEvent (MouseWheel
>>> handler):
>>> var elem = OpenLayers.Event.element(e) - eveluates to {... ,
>>> className="olControlLoadingPanel olControlNoSelect", ...}
>>> and then overLayerDiv evaluates to false - so
>>> this.wheelZoom(e) - is not called at all during loadingPanel is active
>>> (maximized)
>>> What is the best way to fix that?
>> -- 
>> Bart van den Eijnden
>> OSGIS, Open Source GIS
>> bart...@osgis.nl
>> http://www.osgis.nl
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Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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