On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 01:51:00PM -0700, David Hollema wrote:

(If possible, you should try to use plain text email. HTML email doesn't
come across too well in text with code stuff.)

> Next question.  I'm trying to load a OpenLayers.Layer.Text layer stored
> locally on our network.  I am not publishing my web page using a web
> server, it's simply running the html and javascript off a network .html
> file served over the file network.  Trouble is I get an access denied
> error from IE7 when opening a layer file even if it's in the same path
> as the html file.  Is there a work around?

No. XMLHttpRequest restrictions in IE7 only allow the requests to be
issued over HTTP, not against File URLs. You'll need to run this on a

-- Chris
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