On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:43:44AM +0100, David Martinez Morata wrote:
> Ok
> I test change the vector layer for a epsg:27572 code (my layers are in this
> SRS) ands i have the same problem
> I think I couldn't make two reprojections of my layers in the server.(?)
> Thnks for any other sugestion

I think you're really not providing enough information to be helpful

1. Find a URL that isn't working. (Right click on an image, 'Copy URL').
2. Find the SRS in that URL.
3. Find the WEB section of your mapfile as it is when you find that

My guess is that -- assuming the error message is the same as before --
the problem is that the SRS in that URL and the wms_srs string do not
match. That is the *only* reason you get taht error message from

If they really do match, share the URL, and the full mapfile, with the

If the error message or behavior has *changed*, you need to share what
it has changed to. 

Christopher Schmidt
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