On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 03:33:36PM +0100, Kai Behncke wrote:
> >In general, the latter is based entirely on the type of features: there
> >is usually not a *significant* difference i parsing time between
> >different formats of vector serialization once you've whittled
> >the result set down to the IE6/IE7 limit of ~100 features.
> I understand right, more then 100 features at a time provocate a delay?
> 100 features is not sooooo much.....

Which is why you have been told to use a WMS if you want performance.

> >Perhaps, we will come up with more concrete ideas after you have also
> >brougth about something more concrete.
> In the moment I use a Mapbender-lot:
> http://www.gastronomap.de/mapbender25/frames/login.php?&gui_id=gastronomap&name=gastronomap&password=gastronomap&mb_myBBOX=3435722.5,5792615.5,3435922.75,5792816
> If you zoom out, you can see there are about 500 elements (in a wms) at a 
> time, thats what I want to integrate in Open Layers in a performant way.

WMS is fine. WFS (GML, GeoJSON, KML, etc.) is not.

> >Once you've optimized the server side, investigating different options
> >on the client side should be relatively simple, but pick one at a time
> >and optimize.
> Can you give me a hint please?
> What kinds of options are these at the client side?

It doesn't sound like you've done any work on actually building anything
on the client side yet. As Mika said, once you do, come back with a more
concrete question about what is slow and what you want to speed up.

Christopher Schmidt
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