
I don't have an answer for what you need. But, here's a demo I did (1). 
Maybe it's close to what you need to achieve. You could imagine that 
"hovering" a feature would just highlight it and clicking on it would 
select it and open a popup.



(1) http://dev4.mapgears.com/bdga/bdgaWFS-T.html

Gene Sally wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a map that contains some features.  When the user click on a feature, 
> it triggers a select control:
> selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
>       polygonLayer, {onSelect: onSelectFunction, onUnselect: 
> onUnselectFunction});
> The OnSelect and onUnselect functions are called exactly as expected.
> The problem I'm having is that once a feature has been selected, it stays in 
> "selected" state and clicking on it again does not trigger the onSelect 
> function. What do I need to do in order to "unselect" the selected feature so 
> the user can click on the feature again to trigger the popup.  I was looking 
> at the documentation/source code and I didn't see a function to unselect a 
> feature, as that's what I think I need to do, sorry if I missed it.
> With Regards,
> gene
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