Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:59:35AM -0400, Ted Scott wrote:
>> Hey, I'm new to OL and stood up a simple stack to gain familiarity 
>> before diving into my projects whole hog. In addition to the normal 
>> learning pains, I keep getting errors when attempting to create a new 
>> map control. Specifically, I get "TypeError: 
>> OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap is not a constructor" when trying to 
>> create an overview map control, but this isn't the only control this 
>> will happen with. The exact same call works in the OL demo pages 
>> included with GeoServer, so, this should work, but alas it does not.
>> I'm using the OL library that shipped with GeoServer 1.7.2 which I think 
>> is OL 2.6
> Sounds like the OpenLayers in questio may not have the overviewmap
> control built in. I would recommend pointing your OpenLayers.js directly 
> to and trying again.
> -- Chris

Indeed, that was the problem. I was confused about where the example 
code was running. I'll be paying more attention to versioning in the future.

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