Something like in these examples:

- mika -

Lehtonen, Mika kirjoitti:
> Hi again,
> no, I believe you could use sld in this, of course in that case you 
> shift to wms. OGC spesification lets you use filters like 
> PropertyIsGreaterThan and PropertyIsLessThan and so on, in your sld. 
> Though I think there are more sophisticated approaches into this. Some 
> people use wms when zoomed out and shift into other methodes when 
> zooming in. Hard to suggest anything specific with information provided, 
> I am afraid.
> But as this is the Openlayers Users list, it might be wiser to move to 
> Geoserver list, if you like know more what you can do with it.
> - mika -
> willson kirjoitti:
>> Hi,
>> if you were using Geoserver and wms, dynamic symbolizer could help you. 
>> Check the following out:
>> - mika -
>> willson kirjoitti:
>>> Hi,
>>> try to search mailing list for strategies, performance. I have the same 
>>> problem not solved yet. It looks I will have to render at server site.
>>> Michal
>>> Hi everyone, this is the first post on this forum. I have search the 
>>> problem on the forum, but find no anwser.
>>> What I need to solve is:  I have more than 400 points need to show on the 
>>> map, these points query my db every 10 secs, and change their color 
>>> according to the return value. 
>>> I use the openlayers.layer.marker to implement, but in ie the markers make 
>>> the map so slow when zooming.
>>> Then I move to  openlayers.layer.vector, but it's even slower than marker.
>>> Any suggestion in such "Adding large and dynamically changed markers"  
>>> situation?
>>> hi, render in serverside(may be wms) can improve the performance much, but 
>>> how to make markers dynamically change color? Any solution?
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>> Users mailing list
>> hi,
>> Yes, I am using geoserver and wms. I have look at the link, but it may be 
>> not the answer. Since the data in my db change frequently,  and the marker 
>> need to reflect these changes. For example , I have a table, and a column 
>> named "kpi", when kpi<0.01, the marker's color is green, else is red. It may 
>> be not an "sld" issue.
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