On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 5:13 AM, sendeman <martijnsendens...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to Openlayers and Mapserver. I want to add a map generated by 
> mapserver to my openlayers map. I have made a simple html-file in my 
> http-root to test the openlayers/mapserver configuration (see below). The map 
> file seems to work. I was able to generate an image with: shp2img -m 
> mymap.map -o mymap.png (see below). When I open the example via localhost, I 
> get a set of pink tiles and the requested map controls. I have added the 
> location of one of the tile-images below. I also added the contents of the 
> Mapserver map-file.
> I have tried lot's of different ways to spell out the url's in:
> layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer("MyMap","../../../bin/mapserv", {map: 
> "../maps/mymap.map"} );
> , including using absolute paths (c:\...etc). This didn't make any difference.
> What should I do to get this working?

At a first glance your mapserv path appears to be incorrect. Where is
mapserv installed relative to your www root directory? My first guess
is to try "/bin/mapserv".

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