

I'm trying to send a getFeatureInfo to all queryable layers.

In the "onComplete" function, I would like to be able to "know", for
each response, the index of the corresponding layer (the layer index for
which the request was sent).

But the "index" value in the "onComplete" function is always wrong
(seems to be equal to "map.layers.length" value).


How can I make sure the index is correctly passed ?


Thanks a lot.




function findLayerClick ( event )


    var url;

    var mouseLoc = map.getLonLatFromPixel ( event.xy );


    for ( var i = 0; i < map.layers.length; i++ )


        if ( map.layers[i].queryable )


            url = map.layers[i].getFullRequestString


                     REQUEST: "GetFeatureInfo",

                  EXCEPTIONS: "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml",

                        BBOX: map.getExtent().toBBOX(),

                           X: event.xy.x,

                           Y: event.xy.y,

                         SRS: "EPSG:32187",

                 INFO_FORMAT: "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1",

                QUERY_LAYERS: map.layers[i].params.LAYERS, 

               FEATURE_COUNT: 5,

                     VERSION: "1.1.1",

                       WIDTH: map.size.w,

                      HEIGHT: map.size.h

            }, map.layers[i].url );


            OpenLayers.loadURL ( url, '', this, function ( response ) {
setHTML ( response, i ); });







function setHTML ( response, index )


    alert ( index );


    ... ... ... // manipulate the result








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