On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 01:13:47PM -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> >On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:43:24AM -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>If I change the visibility of a layer in JavaScript, How do I get that 
> >>reflected in LayerSwitcher? Or maybe the question should be: How do tell 
> >>LayerSwitcher in JavaScript that I want to change layers selected?
> >
> >If you need to, something is broken. Can you share the code that isn't
> >working?
> >
> >Regards,
> Christopher,
> http://imaptools.com:8080/maps/dd3.html?lat=34.5315&lon=69.1571&zoom=14&layers=B00TFTTTF&start=69.150255%2034.535834&stop=69.158273%2034.52821&method=STS&lang=eng
> It is likely that my hack job of code has broken something.
> Overlays seem to update ok, but the base layer is not updating.
> I am trying to add the buttons instead of the LayerSwitcher and finally 
> got them to work, although there is probably a much easier way to do it.
> So to reproduce is click on the [Map][Satellite][Contour] or [Show 
> labels] checkbox and these work as they should. If you open the 
> layerswitcher, you will see that the "Overlay Streets" and "90M Contour 
> Lines" toggle on and off with the button clicks, but changing the 
> baselayer visibility with the [Map][Satellite] buttons does not update 
> the layerswitcher.

When I open the above URL, it doesn't work in my browser, so I can't
click anything to test it, but my guess is that you'r eusing
setVisibility on the layer instead of setBaseLayer on th map to 'choose'
a base layer. When changing base layers, you should always use
setBaseLayer to pick the one you want to be the base.
-- Chris

> I also have not looked into trying to make the buttons update when 
> things are toggled in the layerswitcher. None of this is a real issue 
> because layerswitcher will probably be commented out totally in the 
> production system. But it seemed like a practical exercise to better 
> understand how things work.
> I am always open to suggestions on better ways to code these solutions.
> Thank you,
>   -Steve

Christopher Schmidt
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