Hi all,

Ive tied out sIeve to measure leaks and memory usage of my OpenLayers
client and see some strange things.

I have a Vector layer with bbox strategy and wfs protocol that refreshes
every 5 seconds.
I have points wit h labels and some background image/stroke etc.

If I zoom in on 1 feature every refresh 7 dom elements are added to the
If I check the in use elements I can see references to the previous id's
marked orphan and some not marked orphan (the reason for them is the
removeChild isn't called but they are mostly childs of orphan's).

However memory is not freed at all. Memory is only freed as I browse to
other page (about:blank for example). But not all of the used memory is
Also when unloading my client a few (23) leaks are reported but not more

Few questions:
How can I see what the memory is used for? are there other tools to see
memory use of the app.
Should I care about the orphaned dom elements and children of them?
How can I  see what the leaks are about?

Any help Is much appreciated (been banging my head all day now)

Cheers Kris

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