I think I have found a bug.  See attached file for a simple test case.

When you click on one of the points (features) a popup will display. Since the feature is selected, it's style changes and it turns blue. This is unexpected. I would have expected it to keep the default style, that is, for it not to change in appearance. Is this the desired behavior. To prevent the appearance change, you can change line 71 to:
                        "default": style, "select": style

Please let me know if this is a bug or not.

Also, it may be related to this bug http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/ 1498.


Title: OpenLayers Cluster Strategy Threshold

Cluster Strategy Threshold

Demonstrates the use of the cluster strategy threshold property.

The Cluster strategy lets you display points representing clusters of features within some pixel distance. You can control the behavior of the cluster strategy by setting its distance and threshold properties. The distance determines the search radius (in pixels) for features to cluster. The threshold determines the minimum number of features to be considered a cluster.

Cluster details: hover over a feature to see details.

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