
this answer Eric gave to a similar thread in January should get you there:


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Alexandru
IOVANOVICI<iovana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a application in wich i have some vector data (a kml file
> with paths) wich i have to display over a map. I have the data in a database
> and i can create the kml on-the-fly with a php script, based on some url GET
> params. I want the create a kml file wich contains only the lines wich are
> in the current viewport and at a level of detail depending on the zoom
> level. So, when the user pans the map i shoud update the kml file and
> display the new data. Same thing when the user zooms the map. My PHP script
> and kml file are tested and working ok.
> The problem is how do i code the javascript for this layer. For a similar
> POI layer i used the instructions from here
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLayers_Dynamic_POI and it is ok. But
> in this case i have no getUrl arg to the constructor.
> How can be done this ... because i'm sure there is a solution ...
> Thank you,
> Alexandru IOVANOVICI
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