Hi Nicholas,

I have a little experience with this kind of thing.  Try using Firefox
and installing Firebug.  Load your page and get your link to display
and they use F12 to open the Firebug window and chose 'Inspect'.  Then
as you mouse over the page and your map Firebug will should you where
how where in the HTML  you are.  It will also show you the CSS the
items are using.  Maybe you can use this tactic to answer your own
question.  I hope it works.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
<n.e.kend...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is kind of a weird thing. I have the permalink in my map div being 
> styled like the links in my navigation menu in the header. I'm not sure why 
> this is falling through this way, has anyone had something like this happen, 
> and what might be a way to trouble shoot this?
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