I don't have any input regarding the code, but I have worked with IE 8. 
Not sure if that is an option, but if it is, they have a powerful script
debugger that allows you to step through the code also.


>>> Max Stephan <x....@gmx.net> 08/28/09 8:24 AM >>>

Hi Jerome,

I´d be very happy if I could use Firebug in this case (very nice tool
debugging and for tracking the DOM in my opinion) but as I mentioned
I´m using an ActiveX-Control for reading out the Access-Database and for
sending further requests to it. And this method is only possible in
Explorer for which I haven´t found such a powerful debugging tool as
(firebug lite wasn´t useful).

Ok, now here´s the loop, which is adding the vector-features to my
for (var i=0; i<mestArray.length; i++){
    addVector(vectorLayer, mestArray[i][1], mestArray[i][0]);
The first parameter is the target-layer, the second is a lonlat-object
the third is an attribute for the features.

And here´s the addVector-function:
function addVector(layer, lonlat, mestId){
   var geometryObjekt = new
   var vectorObjekt = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometryObjekt);
   vectorObjekt.attributes.mest = mestId;

And concerning your english: No need to be worried. I´m understanding

Thx in advance
Max Stephan

Jerome Freyre wrote:
> Can you also show us your method that parse and add the feature to the
> layer?
> I think another good way to explore is to use firefox and firebug.
> With firebug, you can add breakpoints and the go step-by-step...
> Whith that, you should put a breakpoint into your method that parse  
> and add features to layer and another one into the cluster strategy  
> (Think to not use the OpenLayers minimised but the complete source) to
> see if software run into the class correctly...
> Hope my english is quite understandable.... :)
> Jérome
> Le 28 août 09 à 14:01, Max Stephan (via Nabble) a écrit :
>> Hi Jerome,
>> thanks for your reply. I already tried that but it causes an error  
>> ("this.layer.events" is null or no object) and the map content isn 
>> ´t shown.
>> Any other ideas?
>> Greets,
>> Max Stephan
>> Jerome Freyre wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Personnally, when I use Cluster Strategy, I create separatly the  
>> strategy and the I activate it.
>>                      var strat = new
>>                      vectorLayer = new
>>                      strategies: [
>>                              strategy
>>                      ],
>>                      styleMap: vectorStyle2, maxResolution: 19});
>>                      strat.activate();
>> Hope it will be usefull....
>> Sincerly,
>> Jérome
>> Max Stephan wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I`m having problems getting the cluster strategy to work. It simply  
>> makes no difference in terms of appearance if I add it to the  
>> VectorLayer or not.
>> This is my code for the layer:
>>              vectorLayer = new
>>                      strategies: [
>>                              new
>>                      ],
>>                      styleMap: vectorStyle2, maxResolution: 19});
>> The reason why I want to add it is that I have 480 Features  
>> alltogether on my map and even when zooming into some areas there  
>> are still around 150 features left in the bbox causing  
>> InternetExplorer to slow down (don´t know if it´s the same case  
>> with Firefox, but I gotta use IE to use ADODB-Connection to an  
>> Access Database in the Intranet).
>> Those features are created and added step by step with an addVector- 
>> method I have implemented that reads out the coordinates and  
>> attributes of the database for a single feature and then jumps to  
>> the next entry and repeats the procedure till all features have been 

>> added.
>> greets and thx in advance
>> Max Stephan
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