Thanks for clearing that for me :)

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 11:34:23AM +0300, Adrian Popa wrote:
Thanks Andreas,

I've tested it on Mapserver layers, and it works great!

However, I  tried to add it to:
- OpenStreetMaps (OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender),
- Google maps (OpenLayers.Layer.Google( 'Google Streets', {'sphericalMercator': true, transitionEffect: 'resize'} ) - and yahoo maps (OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo( 'Yahoo Street', {sphericalMercator:true, transitionEffect: 'resize'}))
... and it doesn't work for these ones.

Is it supposed to work even for them?

No, these layers are controlled by the various commercial
APIs associated with them, and we do not have control over
the tile drawing. (It is possible these APIs have options to control this behavior, but OpenLayers has no support for setting
those options.)

-- Chris


Andreas Hocevar wrote:
Adrian Popa wrote:
Sorry for butting in, but is this effect supposed to work also when
the layer has singleTile='true'? (One image from mapserver)
Definitely. See the example.



Andreas Hocevar wrote:
Florent Gravin wrote:
Is there a way to keep the map displayed when you zoom (with bad
resolution) until the new tiles with a better resolution are loaded.
Like for exemple in Google Map where you NEVER have white map because
data are loading..
This can be done in OL too. All you need is to pass

    transitionEffect: "resize"

to the layer's options.

To see it in action and as a starting point for your own map, have a
look at


--- Adrian Popa
NOC Division
Network Engineer
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core & Backbone
Phone: +40 21 400 3099
--- Adrian Popa
NOC Division
Network Engineer
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core & Backbone
Phone: +40 21 400 3099

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--- Adrian Popa
NOC Division
Network Engineer
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core & Backbone
Phone: +40 21 400 3099

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